Best Feelings as a Teacher

It’s no secret that teaching is hard, with an extremely high burnout rate coupled with low pay and respect – it can be hard to be motivated to do it every day. Over the years, I’ve found there are just some feelings that make it all worthwhile. Moments where my teacher heart swells. Some are […]

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14 Habits of Successful Students

Over my 7 years of teaching, I have always had a mix of student abilities. From Advanced Placement to co-taught with a special education teacher, there are habits that successful students possess, no matter their ability. When students develop these habits and use them consistently, not only are they more prone to do well in […]

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31 Uplifting Quotes about Teachers

As a teacher, sometimes I need a quote to remind me that what I do is worth it – especially on those hard days. These are 31 uplifting quotes about teachers to boost the mood of any teacher. They are great for those teacher appreciation cards and gifts, cute teacher appreciation signs, or just a […]

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30 Questions for Teacher Reflection

One thing I learned quickly in my first year of teaching was that a great teacher is one that is constantly reflecting and working to better themselves (along with other things of course). However, it can be difficult to know how to reflect when you don’t practice it on a regular business. With time – […]

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Why I Have Students Write Letters

At the beginning of the year and at the end of each quarter, I have my students write a letter to me. I do make it a grade, but the grade is based on whether they fill the page or not. I also explain to students that they can write about anything they would like […]

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Exploring the Enchanting World of Books with Your Kids

Ambra Mills, originally from Italy and now residing in the UK, shares parenting tips and stories on her blog, ‘Parenting: Discoveries and Challenges’ at She is also the author of kids’ books such as (The Adventures of Hoppy, Skipper and Felix) and (The Adventures of Piky, Matisse and Betty). Both books are available on Amazon […]

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