Once kids turn 4, it seems like there are so many options that you can choose. It’s easy to go wrong. However, these toys have been huge hits with my 4-year old. Whether you’re looking for a gift or looking to add to your toy collection, these toys for 4 year olds are sure to […]
Stocking Stuffers for Babies
Last year, when my son was just about 4 months old, I had no clue what to put into a stocking for a baby! However, with some thought, I was able to come up with some stocking stuffers for babies. What I kept in mind was that babies are starting to eat baby food soon […]
Sleep of Mind Review: A Sleep Sack to Tackle Anxiety
As a mom who battled postpartum anxiety, especially around sleep and SIDS, I researched and read about all kinds of products and tips to relieve my concern. This Sleep of Mind review tells you about a product that is easy to use and truly eases your mind while your baby sleeps. When I received my […]
How to Spend Quality Time With Your Family
When school starts, I feel like life just starts running and I’m just chasing after everything. Between coaching, teaching, and regular life, getting to spend quality time with my family together can be hard to find. Some studies have found that the average family spends less than 40 minutes together on weekdays. I imagine that […]
Learning While Traveling: Creative Ways to Teach Kids on the Go
Our post today is from Amanda from Travel More, Pack Less. At Travel More, Pack Less, Amanda Holt helps women say yes to adventure without the hassle. With her experience planning and packing for a family of five, she’s cracked the code on traveling light, staying organized, and making trips feel effortless from start to […]
How to Create a Montessori-Inspired Learning Environment at Home
Today’s post is brought to us from Andrea Gibbs. Andrea Gibbs is the Content Manager at SpringHive Web Agency, where she helps create content for their clients’ blogs and websites. She is currently a blog contributor at Montessori Academy, a blog dedicated to helping parents with the ins and outs of parenting children within the […]
10 Essentials You Need to Hike With Kids
For this summer, as our daughter is now 3.5 and our son is close to 1, we decided to pick up hiking again, just now hiking with kids. I will admit, it’s a bit different than it used to be, but honestly, it’s been so fun to go with our small family and explore the […]
Pumping at Work: 11 Effective Tips to Help the Transition
After maternity leave, returning to work is a huge transition for new moms. Add in pumping and it can feel so overwhelming. Now that I’ve returned to work twice and pumped at work for over 10 months between the two kids, I want to share my top pumping at work tips to help with the […]
Summer Must-Haves for Kids
With the end of the school year, I’m going to be soaking up my time with my kids. As I begin my 4th summer with kids – one toddler and one baby – I’m finding that there are things that just make summer manageable for all the activities and health. So here’s my list of […]
How I Balance Motherhood and Teaching
There’s no denying that teaching and parenting are all consuming. And when you’re both, it feels like sometimes it’s hard to draw the line and switch from teacher to parent and back again. After I had my daughter, I can honestly say that that was the hardest transition for me to handle. But after three […]