30 Life Lessons I’m Bringing Into My 30s

Today, July 13th, 2024 marks my 30th birthday. When I look back at my life this past decade, it is wild to see how much has changed. And the best part? These past few months, I’ve been so incredibly happy with where I am in life. So I took the time to reflect and talk about 30 life lessons I’m going to bring with me into this next decade!

  1. I can do hard things.

There have been several times in life where I wasn’t sure if I could accomplish something. But here I am, on the other side. 

  1. Self care isn’t selfish.

As a mom of two young kids and a teacher, I’m really focusing on taking care of myself. It’s not selfish to do so. In fact, it makes me a better wife, mother, and teacher when I take care of myself!

  1. I am beautiful.

Like many women from my generation, I struggle with self image. However, I’ve found recently that I accept my new postpartum body and I am beautiful!

  1. I am strong.

Going along with being able to do hard things, I am so incredibly strong.

  1. If anything, be kind.

You never know what someone else is going through. Smile, be kind, and treat others with respect. 

  1. Always be learning.

Of course, as a teacher, I’m a firm believer that education is never complete. So always strive to learn new things. 

  1. Therapy is good – so do it.

Once I started seeing a therapist to just talk about life and feelings, it’s amazing how much my mental health toolkit has grown!

  1. Find and keep people that fill your cup.

If someone takes your joy or energy on a consistent basis, cut them out. We don’t need that in our lives. 

  1. I have no idea what I’m doing – and that’s okay.

I still remember the day after I had graduated college and was living at home still, when I asked my mom hours I know what I’m supposed to do now. She said “Whatever you want, there’s no manual.” My mind was blown. I’m an adult and making it up as I go. So is everyone else. 

  1. My body has done amazing things.

Mainly looking at you childbirth. Literally, SO WILD. 

  1. Be grateful for everything. 

So many things can disappear in the blink of an eye. So taking the time to appreciate anything and everything is important. 

  1. There’s no one quite like your mom to talk to. 

These past few years and becoming a mom myself has helped me develop a new appreciation for my mom <3

  1. Reading is important. 

As an English teacher, I obviously believe this. But I have also seen the benefits firsthand with my own children now too. 

  1. Getting out of your comfort zone is growing.

You never grow if you keep doing the same thing. Try something new everyday. 

  1. There’s no harm in asking. 

The worst that someone can say is no. So go for it. 

  1. Pick the battles that are important to you. 

There are a lot of things in the world that you can fight or get upset about. However, pick the things that are top priority to you – otherwise, you’ll burnout and be angry. 

  1. Quality over quantity, especially with friends. 

The friends that fill your cup are the ones you keep around. 

  1. Pay it forward. 

Whenever possible, pay it forward. Go out of your way to help others less fortunate. Or even more fortunate. 

  1. All feelings are valid. 

It’s okay to feel sad or angry. It’s what you do with those emotions that’s important. 

  1. Prepare for worst case scenarios. 

Assume the best, prepare for the worst. We meet with our financial planner yesterday and we made sure to get money and the kids in order in case something happens to us. Of course, we hope that never happens. But would rather be prepared than not. 

  1. Feeling emotional? Go outside. 

Anytime my emotions are running wild or I’m feeling overwhelmed, going outside always helps. 

  1. Love is hard work. 

I’ve been blessed with an amazing marriage and partner. But that doesn’t mean our relationship is perfect. We work hard at it, have tough conversations, and try to make space for it in our lives. 

  1. Be present. 

Put the phone down and just be there. 

  1. Boundaries can save you. 

Say no. Don’t take on things you aren’t excited about. They won’t turn out that great. 

  1. Being a parent is the hardest, best thing I’ll ever do. 

It is so fulfilling and draining at the same time?! But also I love these little humans so much. But also want them to please do away for 5 minutes? So contradictory. 

  1. Change is inevitable. 

Change always happens. It will always happen – maybe not fast and you don’t see it happening, but it is. 

  1. Don’t take anything for granted. 

There was a stretch in our lives this winter that we lost 3 people in back to back months. It really made us realize that we can’t take anything for granted. 

  1. Do one thing everyday that makes you happy. 

Everyday, do something that makes your heart happy. 

  1. It’s okay to not feel okay. 

Again, emotions are okay. But if you’re feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, whatever – make sure you seek help to manage. 

  1. You can’t please everyone. 

You want everyone to like you. I want all my students to think I’m the best teacher ever. But not everyone is going to like me. And that’s okay. 

Any life lessons to add to the list? Share in the comments below!

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