2024 New Years Goals Check-In

Now that we are over halfway done with 2024 (how?!), I wanted to reflect on my progress through my New Year goals for this year! Public accountability does wonders folks 😉

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  1. Get to 175 pounds. 

This goal of course takes time and dedication. I’ve started working out this summer and the last time I weighed myself, I was at 183. I’ll take it! Only 8 more to go 😉

  1. Build a better wardrobe. 

I was able to start the process of building a capsule wardrobe, but actually buying the clothes? Not quite! Money is a little tight right now after both my husband and I taking parental leave this past year. But still a work in progress this year once the school year starts and our pay gets back to normal. 

  1. Pay off credit card debt.

As mentioned above, money is a bit tight. And unfortunately, we actually got a third credit card and gave that usage pretty high as well. But again, back to our normal contract pay and I’m ready to start throwing money at these bad boys!

  1. Once a month, make sure I spend time 1 on 1 with each kid. 

When I first wrote this goal, I pictured like mommy and me dates. However, I’ve found that throughout the day, I have sweet moments just one on one with each child. So I focus on really soaking up that time and using it to its full potential. 

  1. Once a month, have a date night with my husband.

This one is a bit harder. I think we’ve done a couple of date nights this year, but I do feel that we’ve been really focusing on connecting and strengthening our relationship. Yes, we’re in the teammate phase some days or weeks – doesn’t mean our relationship is ruined!


  1. Complete 50 clock hours. 

So far, I’m about halfway done with this goal. With my Ethnic Studies Cohort and district required development days, I should definitely reach this goal! Go me 🙂

  1. Read 15 books. 

Right now, I’m at 13 books read for this year (who is she?!)! It has been so awesome doing the #AdultsReadYA challenge through Instagram. That has resulted in me reading at least one book a month.

The books that I’ve read and their ratings:

  1. Understand the new grading system and gradebook. 

I’ll be honest. The new grading system (standards-referenced grading) really impacted how I look at grading, in a positive way. Really focusing on whether the student is demonstrating their knowledge of the standard. I really like the shift that I’m seeing within my own expectation and how I grade student work. 

On the flip side, we have a new gradebook and I’ll be honest – everything I was able to do on the system was I just stumbled upon a feature and if you asked me to recreate it, I don’t think that I would be able to lol. That’s what this school year is for right?!

  1. Advocate for myself when I go back from maternity leave. 

Once I returned to work from maternity leave, my school did a great job of providing me time to pump. However, there were a couple times when the schedule got a little weird that I had to find coverage for my classes and my department was super accommodating <3

  1. Give myself grace. 

For the first semester that I was back, I definitely gave myself grace when it came to the lessons I was doing in class. I also tried to remind myself that I was out half the year and it was okay if my AP class wasn’t quite at the level that I wanted them to be by that point of the year. However, I will say – I was still disappointed with my scores this year. So I struggled a little bit with that.


  1. Have at least 20 new posts.

This post will officially by my 29th post this year! So maybe I should scratch the 20 and go for 40? Once the school year begins, I know that it will be a little bit more difficult to post on a regular basis. So we’ll see!

  1. Create 20 new items for Teachers Pay Teachers. 

Another one that I’ve done well on! I’ve added 30 new items to my TPT store since the beginning of this year. Right now, I’m working on building bundles for the myPerspectives curriculum on the vocabulary section. I use them so much in my classroom, that I want to create them for other folks to have as well. I have quite a few pieces to get done still – but we’ll see when I can tackle that!

  1. Reach 2000 followers on Instagram.

LOL – when I first made this goal in January, I was at 1380 followers. Now? I just broke 1400. This one is going to be difficult to reach. But I still have a few months! And I’m really trying to be more active on Instagram, which will obviously help with followers!

  1. Make enough money to break even. 

Once I receive my payment for this past month of my Amazon affiliate, I will have hit this goal! I would have done it this past month if my site wouldn’t have been hacked with malware and I had to pay for it to be fixed – but it is what it is!

  1. Get up to an average of 100 views a day. 

I had a post land the top spot on Google – woohoo! – and it has resulted in lots of hits (and also the bulk of my Amazon affiliate income). So since March, I’ve been getting over 100 views a day. I think next will be 200 views a day – which I average about 150-190 each day right now. So close! Just have to keep posting 🙂

How are you doing with your goals for 2024? Share in the comments below!

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