2024 New Years Goals Check-In

Now that we are over halfway done with 2024 (how?!), I wanted to reflect on my progress through my New Year goals for this year! Public accountability does wonders folks 😉 **This post contains affiliate links, where if you make a purchase through the links, I receive compensation, at no extra cost to you. To […]

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2024 New Year Goals

As most people do, I’ve reflected on 2023 and thought about what I’d like to achieve in 2024. This past year was a big year for me – I started working on my blog again, had another baby, and moved into a bigger home! Lots of change and growth. I would love to continue growing, […]

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Advice for New Teachers

Welcome! If you’re reading this post, this means that you are probably getting ready to start your first year teaching! So glad that you decided to join the #best job ever. But I won’t lie to you – it’s hard. They say the only thing harder than teaching is parenting. I know that you’ll do […]

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7 Steps to Tackle Postpartum Anxiety

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When I found out I was pregnant, I immediately went into planning mode: what I wanted labor to look like, the setup for the nursery, potential names. But another thing I added to my list was monitoring my mental health throughout my pregnancy and after birth. I recognized that postpartum depression and anxiety were things […]

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46 Parenting Affirmations You Need to Hear

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Parenthood is hard and you often find yourself feeling down. But it’s amazing what some positive words can do for your confidence and esteem. Here’s 46 parenting affirmations to read through, divided into different situations. Pick some from each and remind yourself of them any time you need them. Parenting Affirmations For When You’re Overwhelmed […]

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