Best Toys for 4 Year Olds

Once kids turn 4, it seems like there are so many options that you can choose. It’s easy to go wrong. However, these toys have been huge hits with my 4-year old. Whether you’re looking for a gift or looking to add to your toy collection, these toys for 4 year olds are sure to […]

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Summer Must-Haves for Kids

With the end of the school year, I’m going to be soaking up my time with my kids. As I begin my 4th summer with kids – one toddler and one baby – I’m finding that there are things that just make summer manageable for all the activities and health. So here’s my list of […]

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Toys for 6 Month Old Babies

Once babies start to reach 6 months old, they are wanting to actually play with you and their toys. After introducing toys around 4 months old, now I feel like I have a better read on what toys my baby actually enjoys. Here’s some of my favorite toys that I’ve used with my own babies […]

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Toys for 4 Month Old Babies

When babies start to turn 4 months old is possibly one of my favorite ages with an infant. They are starting to reach for items, be more expressive, and are not just simply sleeping all the time! This is the point where I feel that I need to start breaking out the toys for my […]

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