Parenting is one of the hardest things that I have done in my life. But I’ve found that there are different supports that help. My favorite is phone apps! I always have my phone on me, so it’s easy access. Here are 11 of my favorite apps for parenting that I use to help with the parenting load.
1. Baby Tracker
I love Baby Tracker. I’m a very organized person and statistics help me so much. As a parent, especially a new one, it can be so overwhelming to try and keep track of everything when it comes to care. When did baby nap? Which side did I feed on last? How many wet and dirty diapers did we have today? Did I give Vitamin D drops? Just a lot to keep track of. Plus taking care of yourself!
So Baby Tracker keeps track for you! I also love that it connects with multiple devices, so once I went back to work, I could get an idea of when my little woke from their last nap once I get home. Plus it also has a breast milk inventory that keeps track of how much you have stored based on how much you pump and how much baby drinks!
2. CDC Milestones

There are tons of milestone apps and it can be concerning when your little isn’t meeting one milestone and the app is telling you to report it immediately with red exclamation marks, all caps, and pop-ups. To go to the doctor and they aren’t concerned at all. I may be speaking from experience here.
However, the CDC milestones app is super organized, gives videos and photos of the skills it’s asking about, and doesn’t scare you when little hasn’t gotten that milestone quite yet.
3. Solid Starts
If you don’t already follow Solid Starts on Instagram, you’re missing out! I love following them for recipes for my little and tons of information about feeding. They focus primarily on Baby Led Weaning, which can be so daunting to begin with. However, there app is free and a growing database of how to serve food and comes with 1 recipe for each food item too! You can pay for an add on to track when you’ve introduced foods as well, which I did at the beginning to help me keep my sanity!
4. Lovevery
Along with the Lovevery subscription for toys, they have an app that provides extension activities for their toys! I love this to find new ways to use the toys we’ve already received.
5. Vroom
Vroom is another app that provides activities for you to do with your little! They can be set up to send a notification everyday at a certain time, which I love so I can remember to do it that day!
6. Playfully
Very similar to Vroom, as they have a list – BUT there’s only 1 free activity a day and the rest you get access with the premium version. And you don’t get permanent access to the free activity, it’s just for that day. Boo.
7. The Wonder Weeks

The Wonder Weeks app is based off of the book by the same title. The idea is that babies go through developmental leaps, and in these leaps, sleep and behavior can be impacted. The app gives you a personalized time table for when leaps will happen and allows you to track skills and symptoms. It’s not a free app, but it was great to know what to look for or to at least understand why sleep was going so badly all of a sudden!
8. Spotify
Who doesn’t love a music app? I really enjoy Spotify because it has a white noise podcast that I can play while we’re traveling or if I’m doing a contact nap.
9. Qeepsake
I love this app as it sends you texts asking you questions about your little, to which you respond and it keeps them for you. You can also send in photos too. Then you can also order books with all the answers in it, which make great gifts. It’s a great way to remember the little things day to day.
10. Mamava
I got this app when we went to the zoo once. It is an app that tracks where there is nursing/pumping locations and information about them as well. It can be so hard to find somewhere not distracting, so knowing I had this resource to find locations designed for it helped ease my anxiety of nursing in public.
11. Playground Buddy
Playground Buddy is similar to Mamava, but for playgrounds! It gives information of the toys and specifics about the playgrounds, so you know what you’ll see when you get there.
These are great! My kids are a little older now, but we’ve been using Tinybeans since our son was born. Think photo/video calendar that you can share with friends and family and they can comment.
I’ve heard of apps similar and they sound so nice! We use a private Facebook group 🙂
Great selection of apps – perhaps you can also include some parenting apps for older children/teenagers?
I should expand for sure! Right now, my daughter is one, so I haven’t looked into “big kid” apps quite yet haha!
I did not know something like Playground Buddy existed and I’m obsessed. Thank you!!
Of course! I’m so glad you found it helpful ☺️