This spring break was a little different this year with the quarantine and pandemic. For me, school has been closed since March 13th, but our spring break was the first week of April. So I will just reflect on what we completed during that week. I posted about what you can do during spring breaks, now let’s see how well I took my own advice!
House project and/or deep clean
Check! I did a deep clean of the house. Cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, front room, all sparkling! I also went through our stuff and sorted what we could get rid of, as well as re-organized our closet and divided our clothing into fall/winter and spring/fall.
No check. Mainly because we can’t truly go anywhere during this time! However, once our state parks open up again, B and I are planning on going on small hikes.
Sleep in past 10 am
I love to sleep, so with our school closure and only having to maintain office hours from noon to 2, I have been sleeping in so much lately, even during spring break!
Treat the pets/kids
While we weren’t able to get them special treats or toys, our dogs have been blessed with walks every day – sometimes even two walks a day if it’s a great day!
Read a book for fun
I began a book before spring break began and it took me over a month to finish it. I enjoyed the book, but it was hard to read. It was about Japanese internment and the rampant racism was hard to cope with.
Binge-watch an entire season of a show
I watched tons of shows during spring break, but the latest season I finished was the sixth season of Orange is the New Black. I still need to finish the show, but I really enjoyed the recent season, excited to see how the show ends!
Project that you’ve procrastinated
Since we got married in July, I had wanted to do something with all the wedding cards we received to remember those who had been there to celebrate. So I was able to create that project. Look at how good it is <3

Take care of yourself
I go to see my chiropractor every two weeks and she’s been open during the quarantine thank goodness. I went during spring break, right after she had reopened and I’m so glad I did!
Try that recipe you’ve been putting off
I really wanted to try a tart as I’ve been watching Tasty videos about them for a while. I finally decided to try out the Pesto Rainbow Veggie Tart and it was DELICIOUS!
Visit the Farmer’s Market
Again, the Farmer’s Market is closed, with everything else 🙁
Go out to your favorite breakfast place
I had the perfect breakfast place in mind, but it’s closed as well. But when it reopens, I’m doing takeout.
Take time to workout – even if it’s just once!
I have been working out so much during this closure! Walking the dogs and then a workout as well – probably the best shape I’ve been in a long time.
Go outside!
With taking the pups for walks, we gotta go outside! Although it’s just around our neighborhood, we’ve found all kinds of different routes that let us check out different sections and areas of our massive neighborhood!
Anything that is de-stressing and makes you feel good
During my spring break, I refused to do anything for school. That was de-stressed me and made me feel better about my job. We had just begun online learning the week before, so taking the time not think about it until Sunday night.