Parenthood is hard and you often find yourself feeling down. But it’s amazing what some positive words can do for your confidence and esteem. Here’s 46 parenting affirmations to read through, divided into different situations. Pick some from each and remind yourself of them any time you need them.
Parenting Affirmations For When You’re Overwhelmed and Confused
- I can do hard things.
- I am doing my best.
- Breathe.
- I am growing and willing to learn as a parent.
- I love being a parent, even if I don’t love all the moments.
- Give yourself grace.
- I am amazing!
- You are not alone.
- I know my child better than anyone else.
Parenting Affirmations When You Feel Self-Doubt
- I am the best parent I can be.
- I am strong.
- Your little one thinks the world of you.
- I am a great parent.
- I am doing what’s best for my child.
- It’s okay to not have all the answers.
- I am the perfect parent for my child.
- No way to be a perfect parent, but an infinite amount of ways to be a good parent. I love this one <3

Parenting Affirmations that Relate to Your Mental Health
- It’s okay to not be okay.
- I am willing to ask for help when I want/need it.
- Control the controllable.
- Self-care isn’t selfish.
- Sunshine and fresh air can help a mood (or grumpy kid!).
- I see you.
- I deserve to be healthy and well.
Parenting Affirmations Related to Feeding
- Fed is best.
- I am meeting my child’s nutritional needs.
- This is the best choice for myself and baby.
- I am supporting a person!
Parenting Affirmations for Breast/Chest Feeding
- I am more than a pacifier.
- I am more than enough.
- My body is providing for my child’s needs.
- One feed at a time.
- I am willing to ask for help.
- Just keep pumping.
- I am more than milk.
- I won’t give up, it gets easier.
- We are learning together.
Parenting Affirmations After Hard Nights
- This is just a phase.
- They’re developing so fast, and that messes with their sleep!
- I can support my child through this.
- I am allowed to have rough nights and so can my little one.
- Just a bad night, not a bad life.
- This is temporary.
- We are a team and we’ll both sleep soon.
- I cannot control when baby wakes up.
- They love me so much, they want to be with me. This one makes me feel all kinds of feelings!
Such a great list of parenting affirmations. Thank you for sharing!
Wow, these affirmations are so helpful! As a mother of a 2-year old I need to read these on a daily basis. 😉
Thank you for sharing. Useful to use regardless of how old your children are. 🙂