Best First Foods for Babies

When I first start introducing food to my babies, I feel like it is one of the most intimidating changes as a parent. There’s different methods, worry about allergens, concern for choking, the added pressure of healthy meals, just so much that you feel like you can do wrong when starting solids. After my two […]

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30 Questions for Teacher Reflection

One thing I learned quickly in my first year of teaching was that a great teacher is one that is constantly reflecting and working to better themselves (along with other things of course). However, it can be difficult to know how to reflect when you don’t practice it on a regular business. With time – […]

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Why I Have Students Write Letters

At the beginning of the year and at the end of each quarter, I have my students write a letter to me. I do make it a grade, but the grade is based on whether they fill the page or not. I also explain to students that they can write about anything they would like […]

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Toys for 6 Month Old Babies

Once babies start to reach 6 months old, they are wanting to actually play with you and their toys. After introducing toys around 4 months old, now I feel like I have a better read on what toys my baby actually enjoys. Here’s some of my favorite toys that I’ve used with my own babies […]

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Biz Mom Planner Review

Staying organized as a business owner, mother, and teacher is always a struggle to manage. Between the household chores, business goals, meetings, and grade reports – I have A LOT to manage. So when Tiffani from Biz Mom Planner reached out about me trying her planner just as I was about to go back to […]

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Toys for 4 Month Old Babies

When babies start to turn 4 months old is possibly one of my favorite ages with an infant. They are starting to reach for items, be more expressive, and are not just simply sleeping all the time! This is the point where I feel that I need to start breaking out the toys for my […]

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Exploring the Enchanting World of Books with Your Kids

Ambra Mills, originally from Italy and now residing in the UK, shares parenting tips and stories on her blog, ‘Parenting: Discoveries and Challenges’ at She is also the author of kids’ books such as (The Adventures of Hoppy, Skipper and Felix) and (The Adventures of Piky, Matisse and Betty). Both books are available on Amazon […]

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