When spring break finally arrives, it’s hard to figure out what we teachers are going to do with that time! So why not make a list, whether you’re just starting spring break, or yours begins in April, start making a plan so you can look back and feel it was time well spent!
House project and/or deep clean
Spring break gives so much time for you to tackle the house. Maybe you have a project in your house you want to accomplish – replacing flooring, redecorating a room (like your bathroom!), painting, something that you have to take a day or two to complete. And if you don’t have one of those, do a deep clean of the house! You’ll feel so good going back to school with a clean home. So add this to your spring break bucket list for sure!
Take a trip! Even if it’s just a day trip where you go on an adventure and come back, or make it an overnight stay. Some ideas are going to a nearby city, traveling to a local tourist attraction, or a road trip to somewhere that takes a couple hours to get to.
Sleep in past 10 am
As teachers, we wake up early! I wake up at 5:30 am to get ready, travel, and get to work about 40 minutes before the bell rings for 1st period. But let me tell you, I love my sleep and I’m a night owl. Usually, I have to get at least 8 hours of sleep to function and not be miserable. But if I can get more sleep, yes please. So spring break is about sleeping in for me!
Treat the pets/kids
When you’re teaching and always thinking about students, sometimes it’s hard to treat your babies, with and without fur, during the school year. I always feel guilty when my husband and I get home late from school functions and our pups are so excited to see us. Since spring break is time to do whatever we want, I’m planning on splurging on the pups and kitty. Our dogs LOVE Kong toys and the kitty just needs things to chase! Find a way to treat your family during spring break – it’s always nice to do something for others with your time.
Read a book for fun
As teachers, we are always reading books to be better educators. During spring break, read a book for fun! Something that you can read that doesn’t apply to the classroom – romance, history, classic, a childhood favorite, just something you would enjoy or something different than a usual read for you!
Binge-watch an entire season of a show
You know, that show that you’ve been wanting to watch for the past few months, but you just haven’t had the time. Spring break is the time to indulge in it – sit down on the couch, get comfortable, and watch an entire season! If you don’t have a show, here’s 20 Netflix shows you should watch!

Project that you’ve procrastinated
If you have any projects that you’ve been wanting to get done, spring break is the time to get it done. I have a couple projects I can think of – I want to do something with our wedding cards, I want to create a home organization book, and I want to create a travel scrapbook. Looking at you spring break, we’re making stuff!
Take care of yourself
Take some time for yourself. Go get a professional massage or facial. Go see the chiropractor or get acupuncture! Something that will refresh you. And with pretty open day times, you can get a day appointment too!
Try that recipe you’ve been putting off
Make some food! Bake something! Find that recipe again that you thought sounded so good, but never made. Make it during spring break, now that you have the time to make it, enjoy it, and clean up after it too!
Visit the Farmer’s Market
If you have a local Farmer’s Market, go check it out! Usually during spring break, the weather is starting to get better and it’s not so cold to go out. Check out the local vendors and be open to what’s available. You never know, you may find something that you love! We found a salsa that has green olives in it and I am OBSESSED!
Go out to your favorite breakfast place
After sleeping in, go to your favorite breakfast place! If you don’t have one, try a new breakfast place in town. Look one up or, if you’ve been hearing about a new place, go there! No matter where you go, go when you would normally be a school, it makes spring break feel that much better!
Take time to workout – even if it’s just once!
If you’re like me, you might not want to workout during spring break. But I know that it’s a good thing to do, especially when I have the time. So go do it! Even if it’s just once!
Go outside!
Go enjoy the outdoors! Go for a small hike, walk in a local park, or find a local watering hole that you can just sit at. But go outside and soak up some sunshine! In Washington, the weather is just starting to get better and I have to go out to enjoy it!
Anything that is de-stressing and makes you feel good
Anything else that you feel makes you feel great and is de-stressing to you! Some teachers like to do some grading or planning over spring break, some want to avoid all the school work. Do what feels best to you. I always try to make sure that I’m prepped for the next week by Friday, but with spring break, I may push it back to plan some during the break. But do what makes you feel better!