It’s no secret that teachers don’t make tons of money for our hard work. In fact, it’s common for teachers to take on more jobs to supplement their salary. If you’re a teacher that is looking for extra money, either to make ends meet in your budget, help pay down you debt, or just have a little extra spending cash, here’s a list of 15 ways that you can make more money as a teacher!
1. Coach
Both my husband and I are coaches. He coaches football in the fall, I coach girls bowling in the winter, and he coaches baseball in the spring. It’s extra work obviously, but it also allows us to make connections with students in our schools!
2. Tutor
As teachers, we know how to teach. We also know that some students need more 1-on-1 help outside of school. Why not offer our services for a few hours a week to earn a little extra income?
3. Gym Manager
My husband does this at his school. Essentially, he sets up the gym for the basketball games, hangs out at the games, and then puts everything away. It’s a pretty easy gig, just takes some evenings.
4. Drive Buses
There is a huge bus driver shortage and I’ve seen some teachers picking up routes or driving vans to get students home/sports.
5. Club Advisor
Depending on your district and school, if you’re an advisor for a club, you can get a stipend! But do your research, it may have to be a specific group of clubs at your school!
6. Join Committees

Similar to being a club advisor, there are often committees created within schools and districts to discuss various topics. Sometimes they are compensated for their time!
7. Summer School
Along with joining committees or being a club advisor, another great way to make more money as a teacher is to teach summer school!
8. Food Delivery
Sign up as an Uber Eats or GrubHub driver! You make your own hours and get tips as well. This is a fairly easy way to make a little extra cash each month.
9. Seasonal Customer Service
If you’re looking for something that gives you a more solid schedule, you could always apply for a seasonal customer service job. That way you’ll have a schedule and it’ll just be for a short time!
10. Real Estate
Because teachers have summers off, being a realtor is another summer job option as that is when most sales are made!
11. Summer Camp Advisor
This is a great side job for teachers as we usually have summers off! Or you can always opt to teach summer school, like mentioned above!
12. Etsy
If you’re super creative, you can open up a shop on Etsy to make a little extra money.
13. Teachers Pay Teachers
Similar to Etsy, you can open up a shop on Teachers Pay Teachers and sell your teaching lessons!
14. Blogging
You could be like me and take up blogging as a way to make more money as a teacher! There are tons of resources to get you started as well!
15. Donate Plasma
This one is not for you if you don’t like needles or don’t like blood. However, if you’re interested or looking into what happens to your plasma, Aubrey from Aubrey with Grace shares a great article about the process and how plasma helps her with managing her chronic illness. Plus you get paid! I donated plasma for a year as a first year teacher and made about $1500 – but the amount depends on your location for sure.
It’s important to know that all of these will take work, it’s never a quick way to make extra money. But if you’re dedicated and work for it, you can make a little extra money for whatever you need it for.
1 Comment
Great content! Keep up the good work!