29 Things I’m Celebrating Today

Today, July 13th, 2023, is my 29th birthday! While it is scary to see 30 right around the corner, I want to take the time to reflect on the 29 things I’m celebrating by making it to 29 today!

  1. My husband

My husband has been a huge supporter of anything and everything I do. So of course he’s on this list <3

  1. His career

I love that we both are teachers, so we “get it.” It can be hard when someone doesn’t understand teaching and the myths we have to bust.

  1. Our hobbies together

As our relationship has grown and changed over the years, so have our hobbies – we’ve picked up hiking, pickleball, watching shows, going to high school sports games, cooking, etc. We have always strived to find something to do together and that helps our relationship!

  1. My daughter

The one that made me a mother. She is definitely a light in my life.

  1. My breastfeeding journey

I was able to nurse my daughter for 865 days. 2 years, 4 months, and 15 days. It was a ride with ups and downs. Biting phases, but also snuggles. Some long nights, but also those quiet moments together.

  1. Sleeping through the night

My daughter just started sleeping through the night right after her second birthday and oh my, what a blessing it’s been!

  1. My second (healthy, so far) pregnancy

Right now, I am currently 8 months pregnant with our baby boy. So far, it has been relatively healthy – with just growing pains and some stomach issues.

  1. The ability to have paid family leave

I know that paid family leave is not standard within the United States (boo) and I am incredibly blessed to be a state employee within Washington, where they began a paid family program in 2020 – where I get up to 16 (or 18, depending on birth) week so paid leave and my husband gets 12 weeks of paid leave. Seriously so blessed and never take the time for granted.

  1. My family

Outside of my immediate family, which I’ve already mentioned above, I also want to include my family – mom, dad, sister, etc. They have been so helpful and supportive throughout my life.

  1. My pets

Our dogs, Zeus and Rainier, and our cat, Olympus. They usually make my day better – depends on what they do lol.

  1. My education

I’m a first generation college kid in my family and the first to get my Masters as well. I worked hard for my degrees, so I am incredibly proud of them.

  1. A career that I love

Along with my education that I’ve earned, I am celebrating the fact that I have a job that I absolutely love and adore doing. It can be easy to work just to work, but with teaching, I feel that it is truly my calling and it is something that I enjoy waking up and doing everyday.

  1. My coaching career (that I paused after this past season)

I was a bowling coach for 5 years, and I absolutely loved coaching. It was a great way to be involved in the school community, plus also make some money on the side ha!

  1. My students and athletes from the past 6 years

They are what make the past 6 years worthwhile.

  1. My student teacher this year

This past year, I got to have my first student teacher to mentor and it worked out perfectly that I also became pregnant this school year. So, once I was starting to feel tired and drained with everything, he was able to step in and take on some of the workload that I had. It worked out so well!

  1. Summer “break”

Although there is always something to work on during the summer, and summer break is a myth for teachers, I still appreciate being able to be home most days during the summer with my family.

  1. The ability to put money away in savings and pay off debt

It’s fairly well known that teachers don’t make tons of money. However, between my husband and I, we have been able to put money away into our savings and pay off our debt consistently. Not tons, but better than going more into debt!

  1. My home

I love our home. It has been the perfect starter home for our family, starting with my husband and I, our pets, and eventually adding in our daughter as well. Unfortunately, now with our son on the way, we are reflecting on the space that we have and recognize that we just won’t have enough for the kids to grow. It’s a 2 bed, 1 bath for 4 people, 2 dogs, and a cat.

  1. Our land (to build our next home on)

With the above positive in life, that leads into my next celebration. We have bought a 2 acre piece of property that we will be eventually building our next home on. We are so excited to find land that is close to our current home and jobs, that has gorgeous views of water and the mountain!

  1. Living in the Pacific Northwest

Living in Washington state is such a blessing. It’s a gorgeous, natural region, with big cities, countryside, and everything in between.

  1. Living near the ocean

The ocean is an hour drive away. So if we are wanting to go to the ocean, we can easily go!

  1. Living near the mountains

Lots of people in our area like to drive up to the mountains to ski or snowboard. I personally just like to look at the mountains on the clear days we have.

  1. Summer weather

As a summer baby, I have, and always will, love summer weather. All the sunshine!

  1. My mom friends

Parenting can be so lonely sometimes, but I’ve been able to build a small group of mom friends that have helped me manage motherhood. I cherish these friends so much, and love that our kids also get to grow up together.

  1. My work friends

As a younger teacher, I found that it was so important to find my group of friends that I can go to at work. Teaching is a very individualistic job – where we are in our own rooms, doing our thing, for hours at a time. I am so lucky that I have been able to find a group of teachers in my school and department that I can always go to complain, ask questions, bounce ideas off of, or even just hang out with.

  1. My blog

This little corner of the internet that is all mine. I love it and celebrate the work that I have put into it. Plus the connections that it’s provided to me as well!

  1. The online communities I’m a part of

Like I said, being a parent and teacher can be lonely. So I am often looking for ways to connect with others. I’ve found that my Teachergram has helped me make so many connections, along with blogging groups. These communities help me feel that I am not alone and provide me with ideas to be better at my job or parenting.

  1. Smartphones

Okay, as a teacher, sometimes these things are awful. But as a person, I love them. I’m able to take photos and videos of my kids anytime. I can communicate with my online communities, friends, or family at the drop of a hat. While it’s important to learn how to be digitally responsible, I do love what smartphones allow us to do!

  1. And finally, my full twenty-nine revolutions around the sun!

Literally why I’m writing this in the first place! Happy 29 years to me!

I’ve been blessed with a lot of wonderful things to celebrate throughout life. It’s important to make time to recognize the positive things in life to help remember that getting older isn’t always a bad thing 🙂

Do we have any in common? What are your celebration worthy things?

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