When I first had my daughter, I really wanted to breastfeed her. However, many of the women in my life didn’t have much experience with breastfeeding. The first couple of months of breastfeeding, I found that I was very under prepared when it came to breastfeeding items. Now that I’m preparing for my second baby and hoping to breastfeed him as well, I am stocking up on the items I found as breastfeeding must haves. So if you’re building your registry or getting ready to have your baby, make sure you have these breastfeeding items set up to make the transition a little easier – as there’s a lot of changes! Prepare the best you can right now 🙂
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Breastfeeding 101
If you are someone that is wanting to breastfeed, you probably understand how great it is for baby and their health. If you’d like to read more about the health benefits of breastfeeding, I recommend reading the article from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s recommended that you breastfeed for the first year, if possible. With my daughter, I breastfed her for over 2 years and once I got farther along in my second pregnancy, we naturally weaned our one time night feeding that we had left in our routine. However, even if you can only do a little bit, or you find it just isn’t for you, that is okay! But I do find that having these breastfeeding must haves and being prepared to use them is incredibly helpful to a successful breastfeeding journey.
Breastfeeding Must Haves
1. Nipple shield (and case!)
When I first began researching breastfeeding, I always read “it should never hurt.” However, no one told me that having a little human being nursing every 2 hours immediately after birth would have a transition period. So for the first 2 weeks, it was painful. Until those callouses came in at least. However, I found that using a nipple shield helped ease the really painful feedings and I was slowly able to use it less and less. That is why I state it is a breastfeeding must have, as it helps manage the pain of those first few trial and error weeks! Plus having a case to hold it keeps it from getting really gross. Huge recommendation!
There are some people that use a nipple shield the whole time, and that is okay too! Whatever works for you – it’s YOUR breastfeeding journey.
2. Nipple balm
Another breastfeeding must haves is having a nipple balm of some sort. Many people recommend Lansinoh Lanolin Nipple Cream. However, when I used it, it was super sticky and would actually make my soreness worse. When I met with my lactation consultant, she recommended getting a nipple balm that has calendula within it, which has healing properties. I have found two that I really liked – Earth Mama brand and Motherlove brand. It is all about what works for you!
3. Nipple gel pads
These gel pads are absolutely amazing when you are experiencing soreness. My favorite thing to do is to put them within the fridge and then apply as needed. The cooling relief is so soothing when you’re experiencing engorgement, any wounds, or just general soreness.

4. Nursing bras
As I was nursing, it was incredibly helpful to have a couple of nursing bras that made nursing more accessible when out in public. Motherhood Maternity has some good options and I also enjoy Kindred Bravely as well!
5. Nursing friendly clothing
Another item on my list of breastfeeding must haves is nursing friendly clothing. This could be having loose shirts that can lift up, or even clothing specifically made for nursing. Some of my favorite cheaper nursing shirts are these from Bearsland. I wear them all the time, as they are flattering and comfortable. A brand that I really like to splurge for nice dresses or rompers is Latched Mama. This clothing is great for me as a teacher, as it is professional length and comes in great prints.
6. Nursing pillow
Another nursing must have is a nursing pillow. As a larger-chested person, a nursing pillow was so needed to help with positioning when nursing. I prefer the Boppy pillow, as it is really travel friendly and easy to use, but a lot of folks also highly recommend the Breast Friend pillow.
7. Breast pump
Another breastfeeding must have is a breast pump of some sort. There will be a point that you are engorged, but the baby doesn’t want to latch. Using a breast pump, even just for a couple minutes, is a great way to relieve that engorgement and begin to build a milk stash – if that’s a goal you have. There are so many options when it comes to breast pumps: manual, electronic, and wearable pumps. Depending on your needs, research what works best for you. I definitely recommend having at least a manual one!
8. Breastmilk storage bags
Along with having a breast pump, you should get some storage bags as well! Unless you’re wanting to just throw it out – but I would never recommend that, as there are so many uses for breast milk!
9. Haakaa
A Haakaa is very similar to a breast pump, but uses natural suction and more allows you to catch your letdown from the opposite side as you nurse. It’s a great way that many start to build a milk stash and I know that many women state it is a breastfeeding must have item. I used it with my first, but don’t think I used it right as I found it more cumbersome. So, for baby number two, I’m definitely trying again!
10. Milk collectors
Another breastfeeding must have item, especially if you are wanting to start building a stash, is milk collectors. These sit in your bra and just collect any milk that comes out, rather than getting soaked up by nursing pads!
11. Water!!!!!
Water is so incredibly important when breastfeeding. So anywhere you find yourself nursing, keep a water bottle next to that spot. One of my husband’s main jobs to support during postpartum was to make sure that all the water cups were full. That way, he felt helpful and I stayed hydrated.

12. Snacks
Snacks are also a huge breastfeeding must have! You burn so many calories while producing milk, so make sure that you are replacing those calories.
13. Silverettes
Silverettes are another nursing item that help with soreness or open wounds while breastfeeding. When my daughter was turning one and cutting her molars, we went through a period that she would bite (and pull) as she fell asleep. I honestly thought it was going to be the end for us, as my poor nipples were cut, bleeding, and sore from the bites. But putting the silverettes on during the day encouraged them to heal faster (plus nipple balm!).
Breastfeeding Resources
If you are looking for more information or support for breastfeeding, there are so many resources out there to help. Some of my go-tos are:
A Note on Breastfeeding
One thing I really want to point out and stress is that it is okay if breastfeeding doesn’t go well for you – that happens. It’s work, it’s stressful, and it does not always come super easy to people. If there is a point that you are ready to call it quits, that is perfectly okay. Do what is best for baby AND you. If you find yourself displaying signs of postpartum depression or anxiety, and breastfeeding is a huge trigger for you, seek the help you need and make changes to help yourself. You’re doing great and you are not a failure if you can’t or don’t breastfeed!
Thanks for putting this together! I didn’t realize a lot of these products existed.
Thanks for the comprehensive list.