14 Ways to Pass Time at Home

No matter what is happening in world, there are always going to be times that you wish you could make time go faster. Currently, we’re still living through a global pandemic (and with a young baby, we avoid going out as much as possible!) so I have to find ways to pass time at home. […]

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2020 Spring Break Reflection

This spring break was a little different this year with the quarantine and pandemic. For me, school has been closed since March 13th, but our spring break was the first week of April. So I will just reflect on what we completed during that week. I posted about what you can do during spring breaks, […]

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How to Sleep Better

Sleep Better Small

As someone with anxiety, getting a good night of sleep is difficult. However, over the past year or so, I have been working to find ways that help me sleep better. Because it’s so important to sleep well to be your best self and have a good day after, I wanted to share what I’ve […]

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Grove Collaborative Haul

Within the past couple months, I have been focusing on sustainability and creating positive changes in my use to help the environment. While scrolling through Facebook, I saw an advertisement from Grove Collaborative about their products and I was instantly drawn in. Grove Collaborative Grove Collaborative is a company that focuses on finding products that […]

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20 Netflix Shows to Binge-Watch Next

Let’s be honest – Netflix is a great way to unwind after work, pass time at home, or just to relax in general. Netflix has been producing tons of great shows, documentaries, and movies lately. Here’s a list of 20 Netflix shows I recommend you binge-watch next! 1. Black Mirror Black Mirror is one of […]

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25 Getting Ready Songs

Getting ready in the mornings for work can be hard, especially if you like your sleep like me! However, I’ve found that if I have some great pump-ups songs on my morning playlist, it goes so much better. Here’s a list of 25 Getting Ready songs that I have on my playlist that pump me […]

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How to Have a Good Day

Last Friday, I had a really rough day at school. My students were disappointing, my training was not beneficial, I was overwhelmed with grading and stress, I wasn’t feeling good – basically the perfect storm. To vent, I put a post up on Instagram (give it a follow up in the main bar!) and I […]

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