25 Getting Ready Songs

Getting ready in the mornings for work can be hard, especially if you like your sleep like me! However, I’ve found that if I have some great pump-ups songs on my morning playlist, it goes so much better. Here’s a list of 25 Getting Ready songs that I have on my playlist that pump me […]

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12 Things to Do in San Francisco

B and I’s first trip together was to San Francisco. It was my first summer as a teacher (aka first summer break in years!!) and I got an email that said tickets to San Francisco were cheap. So I decided to go, but couldn’t find anyone to come with me. I asked B if he […]

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How to Have a Good Day

Last Friday, I had a really rough day at school. My students were disappointing, my training was not beneficial, I was overwhelmed with grading and stress, I wasn’t feeling good – basically the perfect storm. To vent, I put a post up on Instagram (give it a follow up in the main bar!) and I […]

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Beginning Debt Totals

Growing up in a family that struggled financially, I knew that I didn’t want to live my life with the same stress. As soon as I turned 18 and began going to college, I took my time to learn about debt, paying it off, credit, and other financial aspects. Now that I’m done with school […]

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