When I first start introducing food to my babies, I feel like it is one of the most intimidating changes as a parent. There’s different methods, worry about allergens, concern for choking, the added pressure of healthy meals, just so much that you feel like you can do wrong when starting solids. After my two kids, I want to share my go-to best first foods for babies and why they are my favorites.
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1. First food puree sets
Even though I follow quite a bit of baby-led weaning examples, I really like to start with purees for first foods to introduce a few types of fruits and vegetables first. Plus then the baby gets to practice using a spoon as well – or practice more if I’ve been letting them chew on spoons since four months old.
I love the first food puree sets from Gerber, as they provide several types of fruits and veggies to introduce to your little one.
2. Teether crackers
These teether crackers are one of the best first foods for babies because they melt quickly, get them started on bringing food to their mouth, and you can also spread other foods on them as well. Plus they’re a quick grab and unpack food for the days where you just have no clue what to give the baby!

3. Toast
On the flip side, if I have the ability to make something, I almost always go with toast. This is a great vehicle to introduce other foods as well – butter, peanut butter, jam, ricotta, anything you want! Spread it on the toast!
4. Banana
One of the first baby-led foods that I give my baby is a banana. It’s easy to prepare, as you can just cut in half, push through the middle and it divides into 3 spears, and is easy for the baby to hold as well. I just also try to not do bananas too often as it can make them constipated. But if you’re looking at a food that’s easy to give, bananas are one of the best first foods for babies out there.
5. Avocado
Avocados fall into the same category as bananas, but take a little bit more time to prepare, as you have to cut around the pit. I have also seen that you should provide some texture to make it easier to grab onto for the baby. But another classic. Or mash it on toast – yum!
6. Berries in pacifier
With two kids this summer, our berry bill is going to be so expensive ha. I swear, the food pacifiers were made for berries to be given to babies. I usually will put raspberries or blueberries into the food pacifier due to the seeds and roundness, but I’ve also cut up the small strawberries to have them in there too. Seriously one of the best first foods for babies – and if it’s summer, you can also make it a family activity to do outside. I hear they don’t weigh the kids as you leave 😉
7. Egg omelets
Another great first food for babies is to have egg omelets. What I love most about egg omelets is that you are introducing an egg allergen to your baby AND you can also mix in veggies into the egg omelet to introduce more foods once you know they aren’t allergic to eggs. It makes an easy vehicle for more food introduction!
If you’re looking for resources on how to even start baby-led weaning, I highly recommend Solid Starts as they are the leading resource for baby-led weaning right now – with guides, courses, and tons of free downloads to help you out as well!
We are in process of introducing first foods to my grandson. It is so wonderful watching them experience each one. Thanks for sharing.
I’ll be sharing this with my niece who just delivered this past week. Great info.